ThriveBHM Form-Based Code

Birmingham, Alabama

The City of Birmingham hired TPUDC to develop a Form-Based Code Template that will be implemented in different Mixed-Use areas throughout the city. In conjunction with the Form-Based Code template development, existing urban design guidelines are being refined to ensure seamless enforcement. A charrette was held in August 2015 to allow public participation in the planning process and to create illustrative vision plans for two specific Mixed-Use areas. 

As part of the planning process, TPUDC will develop and conduct a multi-day educational event designed to inform those who will be involved in the approval or administration of the Code, or those who will be affected by the Form-Based Code, about the purpose of the Code, its legal standing, its value, and (an overview of) administrative processes. 

Size: Entire-City  

Type: Form-Based Code Template, Public Outreach; Infill/Redevelopment, Small Area Plan