Zoning Ordinance and Design Guideline Manual 

Columbia, Tennessee 

TPUDC was hired by the City of Columbia to conduct a city-wide update of the zoning ordinance. The goal of the project was to create a document that is understandable and implementable, and that helps the City achieve the goals set forth in its Comprehensive Plan, “Connect Columbia.” The public process, which took place during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, was held entirely online due to social distancing restrictions in place at the time. A virtual Planapalooza™ gave participants an opportunity to participate in a mapping workshop, virtual meetings, and an online open studio. Additional public engagement opportunities were created using an interactive website. The resulting zoning ordinance and character-based district guidelines will help guide future development in Columbia and provide preferable alternatives to the over-utilized PUD approach. The revised code incorporates design guidelines to achieve the community’s vision for the built environment. 

Size: Entire-City  

Type: Zoning Ordinance