Pinardville Community Plan & Form-Based Code

Goffstown, New Hampshire

The Town of Goffstown hired TPUDC to focus efforts on the village of Pinardville, long overlooked by long-range planning efforts. With a significant number of freestaters living in the study area, TPUDC made the case for planning as a strategy to attract new residents to the community, promote business, increase options for walking and biking, and build the tax base to take pressure off the local residents who carry a majority of the Town’s financial burden. Controversial ideas, such as connecting neighborhood streets to reduce congestion on the primary corridor through town, were discussed but discarded by local residents. Other important ideas developed during Planapalooza and incorporated into the master plan were incorporated into the form-based code. These include promoting infill along Mast Road, focusing new development potential within walkable activity centers, and creating a stronger connection between the village and St. Anselm College. 

Size: 1.8 square miles  

Type: Village Master Plan & Form-Based Code