Downtown Action Plan

Holly Springs, North Carolina

For this project, led by City Explained, TPUDC assisted the Town of Holly Springs with the updated of the Land Use & Community Character Section of their Comprehensive Plan. The public planning process was kicked off with a Community Ideas Exchange Workshop held in early 2019. A number of hands-on exercises allowed participants to share their thoughts on a range of topics related to how the Town will grow and how it should look and feel in the future. The Town and the consultant team used the input gathered during the workshop to hone in on the community’s vision and priorities. During the PlanapaloozaTM event, a series of “deep dive discussions” were held to ensure consideration of several topics that influence future land use and community character decisions in Holly Springs. Topics included growth and supporting infrastructure; economic vibrancy; housing and neighborhoods; transportation; and town character and authenticity. Throughout the project, TPUDC managed the creation of an online engagement portal to collect community input and distribute project information. 

As part of the process, a Future Land Use Map was created that identifies “Places to Conserve,” “Places to Preserve,” and “Places to Innovate.” Within these broad categories, twelve specific “Character Areas” were conceived and described in detail in the Plan. In addition, TPUDC created a number of conceptual plans and renderings intended to illustrate the types of development that could occur in several of the Character Areas. TPUDC and City Explained will continue to work with the Town through 2019 to complete the Land Use & Community Character Section and to help guide the document through adoption.  

Size: Entire-City

Type: Downtown Action Plan