Comprehensive Plan & Downtown Action Plan

Lewiston, Maine

TPUDC was hired by the City of Lewiston to develop a comprehensive plan, introducing a cutting edge, graphics-heavy approach to make the document easy to read and support. The project used a number of creative outreach methods to generate public involvement, including the construction of a tactical urbanism parklet, t-shirts, and Facebook. The community engagement efforts culminated in a 6-day charrette during which time area plans were produced for a number of designated growth areas identified during the charrette to clearly articulate the goals of the community. The plan also incorporates progressive recommendations related to economic development, historic preservation, and housing, which address deep local barriers to change and provide a clear path forward for the City. 

Despite strong initial skepticism by both City leadership and a community divided by extraordinary socioeconomic differences, the “Planapalooza” process won over even the most resistant individuals. This type of strategy provides meaningful civic engagement, a strong turn-out, and high quality work products produced in a short time period of time. 

Size: Citywide Comprehensive Plan & 4 Area Plans  

Type: Park Plans, Downtown Redevelopment, Transportation Strategy, Housing Strategy