Conservation and Development Plan Update

Manchester, Connecticut

TPUDC was hired by the Town of Manchester to update its Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), initiating the process in April 2022 with a virtual community kick-off event. Planapalooza™ took place the following month, from May 16th through the 19th, with opening and closing presentations, open house hours, and seven technical meetings in between (conservation, growth, & development; economic & business development; transportation & mobility; parks, recreation & open space; sustainability & resilience; housing; and community, cultural resources & Downtown).

After the conclusion of Planapalooza™, TPUDC synthesized all public feedback and began drafting the Client Review Draft of the POCD for Town Staff to provide comments on. TPUDC implemented the comments from Staff and created the graphically-rich Public Draft. One of the most unique features of this Plan is a commitment to put equity and sustainability at the forefront of future planning efforts. In addition, there are 18 case studies throughout the document, 4 focus area plans and renderings, and 11 call-out boxes that define uncommon planning terms used. The topics covered in the POCD are as follows: introduction to the project and community outreach process, community profile, economics & employment, housing, public services, community & cultural resources, transportation, parks & recreation, land use & community character, and focus area concepts. A Community Open House and presentation was held at WORK_SPACE in the heart of Downtown Manchester so that the public could view the Public Draft, make comments, and give their input. This event kicked off the Public Draft Review Process, and is where the project is now in the process. The Adoption Draft is anticipated to be completed in early June 2023.

Size: Entire-City

Type: Conservation and Development Plan