Downtown Master Plan

Middlebury, Vermont

The Town of Middlebury, VT hired a consultant team led by TPUDC to produce a Downtown Master Plan. Catalyzed by the recognition of two needs - to align numerous local initiatives within a common vision, and to plan for a pivotal Town-owned redevelopment site - the planning process identified shared community desires while addressing economic feasibility. 

The robust community visioning process brought together residents, business owners, Town staff and officials, and a major academic institution to deeply understand Downtown Middlebury, its strengths and potential. The process began with a kick-off meeting and interactive exercises to determine stakeholders’ values and priorities for their Downtown. A five-day Planapalooza followed with public meetings, presentations, open studio, and topic meetings led by the consultant team’s experts on urban design, economic development, transportation, and stormwater engineering. 

The resulting Downtown Plan will build on Town strengths such as an extraordinary arts and creative community, regional food production, and academic culture. It will illustrate a path forward for the Town to fulfill its strong commitment to sustainability and foster a Downtown built environment that nurtures an remarkable sense of community. 

Size: Entire-Town

Type: Downtown Master Plan