Character-Based Code Plug-In
Monroe, Georgia
TPUDC was selected by the City of Monroe, Georgia to conduct a design charrette, create a regulating plan, and write a character-based code plug-in to encourage quality development and infill in Downtown Monroe and surrounding areas. Rather than doing a complete rewrite of the existing ordinance, the City wanted to try an incremental approach, starting with form-based regulations in Downtown.
A mini Codeapalooza™ was held in January 2024, allowing residents a chance to voice their concerns, share their visions, and learn about character-based zoning. During the Codeapalooza™, TPUDC drew renderings for the agreed-upon area and presented them to the public on the final night for feedback. During the charrette, TPUDC began writing the Client Review Draft of the code plug-in. The Client provided feedback, which was incorporated to create the Public Draft. The public then had the opportunity to submit suggested edits to the City that would be drafted into the Final Code Plug-In. The Final Draft was delivered in the Fall of 2024, followed by a number of required public hearings by Planning Commission and City Council. It was approved unanimously and adopted in December 2024.
Size: Downtown & Surrounding Areas
Type: Code Plug-In