Zoning Ordinance Update

Nolensville, Tennessee

TPUDC was hired by the Town of Nolensville to conduct an update to their Zoning Ordinance. The existing Zoning Ordinance had been in place since 1997 with only minor updates and amendments, and it was time for a full overhaul. The goal of the project was to create a document that was user-friendly, understandable and implemented the small town character of Nolensville.  

TPUDC held a charrette in person in November of 2021 that included presentations, a mapping workshop, meetings, and open studio, with additional engagement opportunities available through a website. The main idea that we heard from the public was wanting to preserve and enhance the small town charm of Nolensville.  

The Zoning Ordinance went through an extensive review by the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners and was unanimously approved in March 2023.

In addition to working on the Zoning Ordinance, TPUDC has been assisting Town Staff by conducting design review services and was hired to create a Pattern Book that updates the current Design Review Manual.

Size: Entire-City

Type: Zoning Ordinance Update