Phase 1: Downtown Master Plan & Form-Based Code

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

TPDUC was retained by the Town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire to develop the Town’s first form-based code for the historic heart of the Town. Widely considered one of the most quintessential downtowns in the region, which is facing increasing development pressure as part of the greater Boston market, the stakes were high for protecting the Town’s assets while allowing for appropriately scaled infill to restore gaps in the streetscape and keep the downtown strong. The master plan generated during the process as well as before and after renderings helped to build consensus around the new zoning approach. 

The Plan Portsmouth project included a multi-day public charrette that offered opportunities for the community to learn about form-based coding and to participate in the public process. 

Size: 80 acres (Downtown)   

Type: Corridor Master Plan, Historic Preservation, Infill, Form-Based Code