District Master Plans & Unified Development Ordinance

San Marcos, Texas

The City of San Marcos, Texas hired TPUDC and Dover Kohl and Partners to create specific plans for districts in the City that the Comprehensive Plan determined should be Intensity Zones as well as to create a Unified Development Ordinance to ensure that the zoning supported the community vision. The Team conducted a public input “Rodeo” to solicit community input on topics such as community character, affordability, conflicts with college students and neighborhood residents, sustainability, water quality, transportation, economic development and zoning. The district plans will serve as the basis for new zoning maps and transformations of key areas and gateways to the districts are illustrated in a series of before and after illustrations. The plans incorporate mixed-use neighborhood centers, complete streets, new and enhanced civic spaces and new walkable neighborhoods to meet the needs of the fastest growing city in the U.S. 

Size: Neighborhood Scale Plans & City-Wide Zoning  

Type: Neighborhood Plans, Zoning Improvements