Downtown Revitalization Plan & Character Study

St. Albans, Vermont

TPUDC was hired by the City of St. Albans to refine and expand the vision for the downtown and develop a character and form-based toolkit. During a 4-day charrette, TPUDC worked closely with the public to revitalize the main street, address the physical and psychological divisions within the community, and increase the City’s municipal advantage within the region. An illustrative master plan was developed, with strategies for maintaining population despite a general outward movement of people and businesses, attracting creative entrepreneurs, and providing new opportunities for local people to engage in civic life. The plan also included transit-oriented development around an existing Amtrak Station, with strategies for ensuring a synergistic relationship between this node of development and the existing historic main street. Areas of unique character were identified and a form and use map was developed to set the stage for future regulatory changes that will help enhance and protect the unique qualities of St. Albans. 

Size: 2 square miles  

Type: TOD. Downtown Revitalization & Form-Based Code