Municipal: Zoning & Codes
TPUDC is one of the nation’s leading planning and form based coding firms. We have worked with all types of clients including master plans and codes for municipalities and private development plans, codes and covenants from large cities and development companies to small rural municipalities.
Excellent coding requires advanced planning insight. TPUDC combines its expertise in planning and development experience with comprehensive coding experience. The value of our comprehensive understanding of the manner in which these extremely nuanced and specialized disciplines are interrelated and affect each other cannot be overstated.
Our development experience enhances our ability to assure that our codes and plans are realistic and buildable and provide sufficient flexibility to allow for creative, market-driven solutions. We understand that our coding and planning work must be practical, visionary, environmentally sustainable and economically rewarding, while creating timeless communities that enhance the quality of life for residents and yield financial returns for developers and investors.
Unlike most other firms, we are not an architecture, engineering or landscape architecture firm that works on land development and design projects – we are a planning and design firm that understands and specializes in the subtleties of creating and codifying authentic and vibrant places, including great public spaces, town centers, neighborhoods, complete streets and buildings -- at all scales and across the entire range of contextsfrom rural to urban.
Zoning Ordinance - Gallatin, Tennessee